
by Mahan Marwat



Note: New merit lists are not available in the app, but it can be used to check your result. The developer has been moved on to other projects. You can contact on Facebook page: Marwat DevelopersThank you everyone for using it. (kindly do not review it negatively.)Check ETEA merit lists and results. Now, you dont have to wait for months for the merit lists, because this app automatically generates merit lists.Use it For: • Checking all ETEA merit lists. • Checking all ETEA results.How to use it: • On the homepage, all the available results are shown. • Select a result and you will be directed to another page. • On this page you can either check merit list or result.If the merit list for a result is available, then you will be able to check it by clicking on the "Check Meritlist" button, or in case the merit list is not yet available then the button will show "Loading Meritlist" and you will be able to check it only after it is uploaded. Which usually takes 24 hours.ContactMeritlist apps development related info are posted on Facebook page: Marwat Developers* The app is in initial release, if you found any bug or want a feature to be implemented or have any other query then contact on the developer mail.* Support for NTS, PTS, ATS KPPSC, etc will be added in future versions.